Spirit Wear Store

Spirit Wear Store

We are pleased to announce that Holy Cross School has partnered with BSN Sports to design a special line of high quality spirit wear clothing available for purchase through our online Spirit Wear Store!  We anticipate that the store will open two to three times per year. 

We are also planning to designate several Holy Cross Spirit Wear Days!  On designated dates, students will be permitted to dress in their spirit wear for school.  Students dressing out of the regular uniform must wear a shirt or sweatshirt with the Holy Cross logo and acceptable jeans/pants. Please see the parent/student handbook for acceptable attire for out of uniform days.  

Spirit Wear is a great way for both students and parents alike to show their Holy Cross pride!  We hope you will join us in showing your school pride during Spirit Wear Days, sporting events and in your local community!  Should you have any questions, please contact Christine Zalewski at c.zalewski@hcross.org.
