Volunteer Hours

Volunteering at Holy Cross

Parent participation and engagement are critical to Holy Cross School’s success and sustaining our dynamic school community. Every year, each family is asked to volunteer for a minimum of 20 hours. Families may elect to pay $50/hour in lieu of working volunteer hours. For more information on its importance or how to volunteer, please see the Parent/Student Handbook.

Recording Volunteer Hours

The HSA uses the OnVolunteers website to streamline the volunteering process. This website replaces Connect1, signup genius, and the previous hot lunch logging site used to register volunteer hours. Use the OnVolunteers website to sign up for the events that you'd like to volunteer for and the hours will be automatically calculated! On the website, hours are calculated as hours (1hr = 1hr); the website does not use points like the previous Connect1 app. Full compliance with volunteer hours is 20 hours per family. The URL and first-time log-in information are below. Since all families receive the same initial password for logging in, it is important for you to change your password the first time you log in. Detailed How-To guides are provided on the website - just click the link next to your name in the upper right-hand corner once logged in. 

  • Login URL:   http://HCSGP.onvolunteers.com

  • Parent Username:  <their email address>

  • Default Password:  HCParent@2024

  • Be sure to change your password once you log in

VIRTUS Training

In order to protect our students, the Archdiocese of Washington requires all volunteers who work with minors to follow its “Child Protection Policy.” To comply with the policy, volunteers must take a training course and submit to a background check via fingerprinting. Parents are strongly encouraged to participate in this training to optimize your options for meeting your required volunteer hours. The majority of volunteer hours offered require VIRTUS training. Parents previously in compliance must have fingerprinting done by January 1, 2020.

“Protecting God’s Children” is the mandatory child protection training for all Archdiocese of Washington employees and volunteers that have contact with children.  You will also hear this training referred to as “VIRTUS training.”

Any volunteer job that interacts with the students during the school day requires the volunteer be VIRTUS-trained and the paperwork be on file in the school office. This includes MOST VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES at Holy Cross School.

Please see the detailed Instructions for Completing VIRTUS Training.

Thank you for becoming a school volunteer. We appreciate your help and support!